Becas y convocatorias internacionales


Publicado en Becas e Incentivos, Convocatorias y Oportunidades

“-1. Concurso ACER para estudiantes que tengan ideas innovadoras sobre como utilizar las TIC para crear soluciones amigables con el medio ambiente

2020 TechLife del futuro gracias a la innovación verde. Utilizar tecnologías relacionadas con las TIC para crear soluciones respetuosas con el medioambiente. Tu concepto puede estar directa o indirectamente relacionado con la tecnología TIC.

-2. Becas para PhD en Recursos Hídricos y Medio Ambiente – Griffith University – Australia

Doctoral Research Scholarships in the field of Water or Environment Science for International and Domestic Students at University of Queensland or Griffith University in Australia 2013

Study Subject(s):The scholarship is provided to learn Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Water Resources, Catchment Stressors and Management, Decision making tools and Coastal resilience and recovery.
Course Level: This scholarship is for pursuing PhD level.
Scholarship Provider: AWERA, the Australian Water and Environment Research Alliance.
Scholarship can be taken at: Students will get their studies in Australia.

-3. Becas para maestría dirigidas a países en desarrollo – Ghent University – Bélgica

Scholarship type and duration

The master scholarships are awarded for the duration of the studies, aiming at the delivery of a Ghent University diploma after max. 2 years of study. The scholarship is in principle paid for the total duration of the studies. In case of a 2-year study programme, the 2nd year will be paid upon
successful completion of the first year (minimum 60 credits)

-4. Concurso de video y fotografía para participar en el Foro Global sobre Migración y Desarrollo – República de Mauricio

Show us how migrants contribute to the development of both their own country and/or their host country. The first prize winner will receive a paid trip to attend the GFMD in Mauritius and all participants will enjoy visibility at the GFMD where a special area has been reserved for you This November, the first phase of the EU-UN JMDI is coming to an end and we are doing it with a acompetitive bang!

-5. Beca para PhD en Ciencias de la Educación – University of Oslo – Noruega

Study Subject(s): Study subject is Educational Sciences InterMedia Course Level: Level of Study is doctoral Programme Scholarship can be taken at: Norway Eligibility: A Master degree or equivalent in an area of relevance to the topic of the PhD research project. The research fellow positions require documented academic expertise in an area relevant to the proposed PhD research project. Applicants must document the requirements for admission to the PhD programme. Personal prerequisites to carry out the PhD-project within the time limit.

-6. Becas de investigación en el International Rice Research Institute – Filipinas

IRRI, or the International Rice Research Institute, is a nonprofit independent research and training organization. IRRI is a member of the CGIAR Consortium. IRRI develops new rice varieties and rice crop management techniques that help rice farmers improve the yield and quality of their rice in an environmentally sustainable way. We work with our public and private sector partners in in national agricultural research and extension systems in major rice-growing countries to do research, training, and knowledge transfer. Our social and economic research also informs governments to help them formulate policy to improve the equitable supply of rice.

-7. Becas para que los periodistas cambien el mundo – Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico – México

Las solicitudes para la Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico en abril del 2013 tienen plazo de entrega para el 18 de noviembre de 2012.

La próxima Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico, del 17 al 27 de abril de 2013 en México, marcará diez años desde que se celebró la primera de ellas en 2003. Más de 300 periodistas, trabajadores independientes de medios de comunicación, organizadores comunitarios y y líderes de movimientos sociales han pasado por estas puertas desde que empezamos.”

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